Upcoming Appearances

November 8-10, 2019:  “Science through the eyes of Faith,” a conference at Greenville University, Greenville, IL.

In addition to appearances on panels throughout the weekend, I will speak Saturday night on the topic: “Are We Alone in the Universe?”  This illustrated lecture will review our place in the universe, starting with a Jewish mystical perspective on the big bang Creation, and the implications for us of the recent discovery of thousands of planets around other stars – are we alone in the Universe?  I will address the religious, ethical and epistemological challenges raised by modern astronomy’s discovery of possibly habitable planets elsewhere in the cosmos.

More information on the weekends and free registration can be found at:



.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Some Past Appearances -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

 Temple Sinai of Boston Weekend Shabbaton

“Judaism and Cosmology in the 21st Century: Why Science Matters for a Spiritual Life”


 The Sivananda Ashram Yoga Center, Bahamas

“How did the universe begin? God, Creation and the Big Bang.”


Congregation Beth-El Sudbury Weekend Shabbaton

“Modern Cosmology and Kabbalah”

  Washington DC Area Weekend Scholar-in-Residence
“Cosmology and Judaism in the 21st Century: A Revolution in Relevance”

  The story of Joseph spotlights one of the most problematic issues for both religion and science: fate, causality, and (if you believe in God) God’s role in the world. This brief talk will introduce the theme of our weekend: the compelling case that science and religion share core values and ponder similar deep questions, so that familiarity with their ideas and languages can lead to a richer spiritual and intellectual life. The common notion of a “war of worldviews” is simplistic – and mistaken.

    – Saturday lunch 12:30PM:  “The Meaning of Shabbat in a Big Bang Universe”

It is impossible to talk about the Creation without reference to its spiritual dimension, as exemplified by Shabbat. After a review of the most current (that is, the past 10 years) understanding of the universe and its creation, we will study texts from the Kabbalah and other Jewish mystical sources that develop similar creation scenarios and that broaden the conventional concept of Shabbat to include cosmic principles.

    – Saturday evening 7:30PM: “Modern Cosmology and Kabbalah: A New Conversation Between Science and Religion.”

This popular introductory talk, illustrated with slides and videos, will summarize the Creation of the world 13.7 billion years ago in the Big Bang, and introduce the Kabbalah, whose remarkable (even prescient) ideas about a big bang creation offer some surprising insights. Taken together, these perspectives from science and religion add depth to historical notions of humanity and its purpose. Following a Q&A session, the author will sign books.


Harvard University

Brandeis University

About the Author